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The New Normal


Today we are living in unprecedented times our world suddenly turned upside down by an invisible threat – COVID-19.  The human race has adapted remarkably well in such a short time and is showing signs of defeating the enemy. 

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SD-WAN: 3 Core Benefits and 3 Security Considerations

SD-WAN (Software-Defined WAN) is a way of managing and optimising a wide area network (WAN) that is designed to address the needs of a more mobile workforce in the age of ever-growing cloud computing, remote working and mobile devices.

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Harnessing the power of remote work with the cloud

The coronavirus crisis has prompted companies to resort to remote working on a scale that has likely never been seen before. Across the world, businesses are grappling with the issues raised by their entire workforce going remote.

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DRaaS: What it is, the benefits and choosing your provider

DRaaS: What it is, the benefits and choosing your provider

What is DRaaS:

Broadly speaking, Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) is a cloud-based system which allows businesses and other organizations to establish alternate processing sites for their disaster recovery needs.

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Tips for organisations getting started with cloud containers

Cloud container technology can offer some great tools to help ship and package applications. However, organisations using containers are still a little confused about how to get the best performance from containers.

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The 4 key advantages to adopting a hybrid cloud system

When it comes to choosing cloud solutions for a business or organisation, it can be tempting to pick and choose different aspects from different types of solutions to create a system that has the best combination of features.

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Announcing the Winner of our Annual ‘Customer Service Survey Giveaway’

At the end of December 2019, we asked hSo users to fill in our end of year Customer Service Survey to give their feedback on our services, received support as well as customer service. The survey is now closed and we have received valuable feedback, as well as constructive comments.

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Make sure your cloud is optimised for the year

The growth of cloud computing has accelerated rapidly in the past few years, becoming a serious consideration for businesses great and small. However, with IT departments increasingly dabbling in the cloud rather than on-premises infrastructures, it’s now necessary for companies to ensure they are spending enough to remain fully optimised. 

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Cybersecurity: combating “inside attacks”

In 2020, businesses will likely have better cybersecurity measures in place than ever before. This is great news for business owners, meaning that targeting companies through cyber infrastructure vulnerabilities will become more costly to cybercriminals in resources, time and effort.

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What does virtualisation allow you to do?

So, you’re thinking of taking your first steps towards virtualisation? Great! It’s likely that virtualisation will offer many benefits to your IT department and your wider business. 

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Four Inconvenient Truths Cloud Vendors Hide From You (That Make Your Life More Difficult)

Cloud migration is the future right? Well, yes, but it doesn’t mean that it solves all your problems straight away. It also doesn’t mean that there aren’t drawbacks. Below we’ll take a look at some of the disadvantages to cloud migration that vendors tend to leave out of their sales pitches.

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Can the cloud simplify your business accounting?

Anyone running a small business will know that doing our accounts is not something most of us look forward to. Many small business owners find they are bogged down in spreadsheets and endless tasks of inputting data and calculating VAT returns. It’s a job that many of us leave to the last minute and then take hours or even days over once we do finally get around to dealing with it. 

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What has the NHS gained by storing data in the Cloud?

Back in early 2018, NHS Digital, which is responsible for setting the digital agenda for the NHS, as well as making the rules by which it will work from a digital perspective, ruled that hospitals and GP surgeries could start to store delicate and personal data in the cloud. 

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Is it possible to win the fight against downtime?

According to recent research by LogicMonitor, IT departments in the UK prioritise availability and performance over anything else. These factors are viewed as more vital than cost or security but despite this, efforts aren’t actually ruling out the risks of downtime. Here we look at how you can prevent downtown in your network or IT systems with some simple steps.

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Cybersecurity predictions for 2020

Keeping up with cybercriminals, from a cybersecurity perspective, is a tough job. Fighting cybercrime has been likened to a line in Through the Looking Glass where Alice says she must ‘run as fast as she can to stay in one place.’ When it comes to cybersecurity, you have to run ten times faster than those committing the crimes in order to get ahead of them. 

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Can cloud computing help your business respond to Brexit?

The UK’s business world has been operating in extremely uncertain times for several years since the EU in/out referendum took place in 2016 and the majority of voters opted to leave the EU. More than three years on and we are still unsure as to whether we will leave, or if we do leave, whether we will have a ‘deal’ in place.

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The future of cloud computing in the healthcare industry

Healthcare is changing and our use of technology to help us improve healthcare is also evolving. There is evidence to suggest that cloud computing can play a major role in the future of healthcare and that this technology can even help healthcare practitioners to make more accurate diagnostics, for example. 

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Can switching to the cloud help your small business to flourish?

Cloud computing isn’t just for large corporations. Switching to the cloud can carry major benefits for businesses of all sizes, including very small operations with just a few staff. Here, we take a look at the specific ways in which cloud computing can help small and medium sized businesses to grow and flourish.

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Most businesses plan Cybersecurity budget boost in 2020

A recent survey by FireEye found that the majority of businesses are planning to increase the amount they are spending on their cybersecurity in 2020.The increase is driven by the fact that more than half of those questioned in the survey said they did not think they were ready to deal with a cyberattack or data breach.

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Can investing in the cloud help you to grow your business?

You will be hard-pressed to find a business owner that isn’t preoccupied with growing their business. But how do you go about it? You can grow through acquisition, you can invest in better equipment, larger premises or add staff, or you can update your IT with an investment in cloud computing.

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