The Wonderful (and Sometimes Funny) World of DevOps

Views, News & more

We at hSo are incredibly passionate about the cloud and its potential. We provide cloud services after all! Over the past few weeks, we've covered devops, what it is and its partnership with the cloud. With the explosion of devops comes, of course, the parody twitter and tumblr accounts. We've also seen the memes that have risen out of the movement. So, here, we thought we'd share some of the funnier tweets and images we've come across regarding devops:

1. No collaboration equals a bad time!

2. What do you mean you are not automating?! 

3. When ops meets dev:

4. Our favourite protagonist DevOps Bane on his relationship with the cloud:

5. Grouchy Uncle's relationship with the cloud:

6. Borat thinks you should gamify your devops teams:

7. Read this very carefully — it makes sense eventually:

8. Our favourite Khaal from Game of Thrones had this to say about the public cloud:

9. When all else fails, keep the optimism flowing:

10. The one true message that every believer of devops wants you to have…:

In all seriousness, while the above tweets illustrate the humour and funny jokes devops has created, there's no question devops has had a significant impact on businesses. It's going to be interesting to see where it's headed and what it will help achieve. And while we at hSo have had immense fun explaining the wonderful and magical world of devops, we feel this image is apt as a parting gift:

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