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Big Data: The (Not So) Secret Ingredient to Better Business?

Big Data is all the rage in the workplace, with the phrase being one of the most talked about and hyped up topics in the technology and business world today. But how companies use the data generated, monitor the data at their fingertips and analyse it successfully is quite another matter.

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Are Big Data Risks Costing Money?

With all the Big Data that’s available for companies to mine and analyse, you probably think that there is a lot of risk involved. Privacy issues, concerns over security and basic human error can all play a part when analysing huge datasets. And you’d be right — Big Data does come with the risks mentioned here, but there are many ways in which you can combat them. Let’s take a look.

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What Pokemon Go Teaches Us About Big Data

Big Data. Sounds fancy doesn’t it? It’s quickly gone from a buzzword to a commonly used business term. And it’s also gone from a concept to a way of working that has revolutionised how companies do business.

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The Wonderful (and Sometimes Funny) World of DevOps

We at hSo are incredibly passionate about the cloud and its potential. We provide cloud services after all! Over the past few weeks, we've covered devops, what it is and its partnership with the cloud. With the explosion of devops comes, of course, the parody twitter and tumblr accounts. We've also seen the memes that have risen out of the movement.

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How the Cloud & DevOps Work Together

In our mini series on DevOps, we’ve explored what it is, where it’s headed, the challenges it faces and its future. But to understand DevOps it is essential to cover the intensely close partnership that the cloud and DevOps share, including the similar mantra they both follow and how they fit together.

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The Future of DevOps

In our previous blog, we covered the definition of DevOps, what it is trying to fix and how it can help businesses. This week, we're going to cover what the future holds for DevOps, what trends are emerging and what tools and products have emerged as a result of the DevOps movement.

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The Rise of DevOps: What It Is & How It Helps Businesses

For those of us in the IT industry, the phrase 'DevOps' has become a common word used in many organisations. However, many of us are unsure what it is exactly, where DevOps came from and what it attempts to achieve. Here, we're going to dive into dissecting what DevOps actually is, while also taking a look at the pros and cons of what DevOps aims to deliver.

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Euro 2016: A Connectivity Challenge

Needless to say, each major sporting event represents a serious challenge in terms of IT infrastructure.  And the Euro 2016 Football Championship is no exception.

Just look at the figures below cited by its official press kit, to get an idea of its scale:

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The Plan to Fix Britain's Worst Broadband Speeds

Over 90 per cent of the UK can now order superfast broadband delivering speeds of 24Mbps or more. By the end of 2017, 95 per cent of the UK should be able to order such speeds. This leaves five per cent of homes stuck in the digital dark ages.

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17 Reasons Cloud Computing Is Growing Like Crazy

Use of the Cloud has rocketed in recent years, with 84% of organisations now using cloud services, up from a mere 48% five years earlier.

Here are the real reasons companies are embracing the Cloud and why that growth shows no sign of stopping.

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How to Improve Security by Thinking Like a Hacker

Don't Believe Vendors Security Assurances

"Our technology is really secure!" said every vendor ever. Meanwhile, these same vendors have probably released over a dozen critical security patches this year. The ugly truth is that all major operating systems have serious security flaws, even when 'fully patched.' So never rely on a single vendor's assurances of security.

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Software's Stealth War on Hardware

With all the hype surrounding the Internet of Things and Big Data, a much bigger IT trend is being overlooked: Software's war on hardware.

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Moving the Unmovable To the Cloud

The number of companies moving services to the cloud is growing. More than four out of five organisations now use cloud based services, according to the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF). This is part of an ongoing steady increase from 48 per cent in 2010, to 61 per cent in 2013, to 78 per cent in 2014, and 84 per cent in 2015.

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17 Things That Should NEVER Have Been Connected To the Internet

We at hSo are passionate about getting online and staying connected. After all we are an internet service provider. However, in the growing era of the Internet of Things, there are limits to what should be connected to the internet and what shouldn't.

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Your Servers Deserve Better - Why It's Time to Move Your Servers to a Proper Data Centre

Your office was designed for humans. That's great news for your coworkers, bad news for your office plants and terrible news for your business-critical IT systems.

It is possible to retrofit your office to provide a better hosting environment for your servers, but that's very expensive. Luckily, there's a better option, called colocation – or colo for short.

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No PBX? No Problem! Hosted VoIP Sees 31% Surge in 2015, to 2 Million UK Business Lines

It's not just server applications that are migrating to the cloud. Business telephony is heading there too.

That's according to the latest research by telecoms consultancy Cavell Group.

It found that UK business demand for hosted VoIP services surged by 31.9% in 2015, bringing the total number of seats (end-user subscriptions) to 2,175,065.

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What Can You Do With a 1 Gigabit/s Broadband Connection?

A few of our customers have a 1Gb/s leased line to their office.

If current trends continue, you could have a 1Gb/s broadband connection at home within the next decade.

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Fighting Back Against DDoS Attacks

Businesses are increasingly finding themselves on the receiving end of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

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Your Network Under Attack – How the DDoS Threat Is Growing

IT infrastructure that's been knocked offline by malicious attacks is the stuff of IT managers' nightmares. Unfortunately, it's becoming a reality for an increasing number of organisations.

That's according to the latest Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report by network security firm Arbor Networks.

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Microsoft Kills Off Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10

Editors note 30/12/2021: Since this was published, Microsoft has announced it will end support for IE 11, the last major version of IE, from mid 2022.

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