Lack of tech skills ‘stopping start-ups’

Britons are put off from starting up their own businesses because they don’t think they have the right technological know-how to do so, new research suggests.

A poll by YouGov, commissioned by GoDaddy, revealed that the main barriers to getting a business of the ground are lack of finances (51 per cent), lack of business knowledge (29 per cent) and lack of technological skills (11 per cent).

Would-be entrepreneurs are also unsure which platforms and tools to choose when looking for the correct software to support their business.

Some 37 per cent of those polled said they had started setting up their own businesses but eventually decided to step away from the idea.

"We've noticed fast-growing companies with resource-intensive websites upgrade to advanced hosting or VPS solutions for enhanced performance capabilities. The jump can be jarring, and there's typically a complex learning curve as well," Demetrius Comes, vice president of engineering at GoDaddy said.

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