Three million homes and businesses benefiting from Superfast Britain

Three million additional homes and businesses have benefited from the government's investment in superfast broadband, official figures have revealed.

Data released by the Department for Culture Media and Sport on Wednesday (12 August) indicate that the government’s nationwide rollout of superfast broadband is on course to meet its target of having 95 per cent of the UK connected by the end of 2017.

The Superfast Britain initiative aims to provide homes and businesses across the UK with internet speeds of at least 24 Mbps. Specifically it targets the areas of Britain that currently have poor or even no broadband access.

At present the scheme is connecting an extra 40,000 premises every week and already more than four out of every five UK homes and businesses have access to superfast speeds.

The Department for Culture Media and Sport's release comes in the same week that BT announced it would be investing a further £129 million towards laying the necessary infrastructure to enable the government's superfast broadband roll-out.

Culture Secretary John Whittingdale said: "Reaching three million properties is a huge achievement. Our rollout of superfast broadband is transforming lives up and down the country as every day thousands more homes and businesses are gaining access to superfast speeds.

"It’s fantastic to see that the rollout of superfast broadband is now delivering for customers and for the taxpayer."

The additional funds that have been offered up will help local authorities to proceed with their own superfast broadband initiative. Moreover, the Department for Culture Media and Sport said that it could be used to provide access for the some of the more hard-to-reach places in the UK that have not been included within commercial roll-outs.

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