Nottinghamshire towns and villages to get superfast broadband

Superfast broadband is on its way to an additional 130 towns and villages in Nottinghamshire, it has been announced this week.

The second phase of the Better Broadband for Nottinghamshire (BBfN) programme will be targeting the smaller and more remote parts of the country with fibre broadband. The roll-out, which will cost £9.2 million, will see more than 17,000 homes and businesses benefit by gaining access to superfast broadband.

Funding for the project has come from Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK), the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, BT and Nottinghamshire County Council. The roll-out is due for completion in 2018.

While a wide range of towns and villages across the county stand to benefit from the extension of the superfast broadband roll-out, the county council has said that the main focus will be around the rural districts of Bassetlaw, and Newark and Sherwood.

Councillor Diana Meale, chairman of economic development committee at Nottinghamshire County Council, commented: "I am delighted that we are in a position to announce the towns and villages where we will be rolling out our next phase of the Better Broadband for Nottinghamshire programme, which is one of the largest and most ambitious infrastructure projects ever delivered in the county.

“In many instances, people and businesses living in those towns and villages have been unable to access the online services, learning, communication and opportunities that many of us now take for granted – but not for much longer."

She added that by 2018 the council hope that the BBfN scheme will see 98 per cent of the county have access to superfast broadband. This will boost business and create jobs, the councillor said.

The first phase of the programme, which cost £19.8 million, has provided broadband access to more than 50,000 homes and businesses since June last year.

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