Lancaster residents call for faster broadband

Residents in Lancaster have started a petition to get the government to improve broadband speeds and connectivity in the area.

At present, some of Lancaster's homes and businesses are struggling either without broadband or with very slow speeds. Indeed, according to the Lancaster Guardian, one resident of the town says his parents have a faster broadband connection in their remote Indian village.

Indeed, the resident in question, Shyam Kumar, is just one of a growing number of residents in Lancaster who have signed a petition to the Secretary of State for Culture and the Digital Economy, Ed Vaizey, in a bid to have their broadband upgraded. The petition has been signed by 71 premises, which represents around 250 computer users, many of whom rely on fast broadband for their work.

Mr Kumar, an orthopaedic consultant who lives in Highgrove Road, said: “Quite a lot of places in Lancaster have been covered with high speed broadband but they seem to have bypassed Highgrove.

“There are hundreds of premises here that are completely devoid of the high speed facility. People use their internet for work. A lot of people here work at home and families are also affected.

“You cannot download anything because it is so slow, which makes work difficult for a lot of people. My parents live in a village in India and they have high speed broadband, yet I am having to campaign for it here.”

There is a cluster of streets in the town that are currently being adversely affected by poor broadband connectivity, including Caspian Way, Lindbergh Avenue, Highgrove Road and Alderman Road. Combined, these streets account for 170 premises.

Lancaster MP Cat Smith has joined the call for improving the town's broadband, asking either the government or BT to address the issue promptly.

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