Home buyers 'willing to pay £14,000 more for ultrafast broadband '

Home buyers in the UK would spend as much as £14,000 more on a property that has ultrafast broadband, a new survey has found.

When quizzed, home buyers said that they would spend around eight per cent more on a property with ultrafast broadband - a connected speed of up to 100Mbps. Based on the average price of a property in the UK from Land Registry House Price Index - £181,619 - this means faster broadband could be worth £14,000 to some people.

The study also found that a high-quality broadband connection was deemed more desirable than many other factors when choosing a new home, with two-thirds revealing they would rather receive superfast internet than live next door to friendly neighbours. With so many of today's services delivered online, including streaming film and TV, it is clear that fast internet is of paramount importance to UK home owners.

Furthermore, as more people choose to work from home - something that has been enabled by the rise of cloud computing - there is greater importance placed on having a fast and reliable internet connection for professional reasons.

Indeed, a third of respondents to the survey also said they would give up an additional room for better broadband, while more than half would prioritise a speedy connection over luxuries such as a swimming pool.

Unsurprisingly, therefore, the majority (61 per cent) of home buyers are now researching the potential broadband speeds of the homes they are viewing before they commit to buying or renting. Not only this but just under a third (31 per cent) of people said they would not move into a new property before broadband was up and running.

Almost all premises today demand reliable, superfast broadband, which is not always available in their area, so getting a dedicated leased line for the premises can be the best solution. hSo provides managed networks designed for business - to get an instant cost for a leased line at your location, visit our online leased line price checker.

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