CDS broadband scheme comes under fire

More than 30 suppliers have met as part of an initiative to boost broadband speeds on Britain's south coast.

Connecting Devon and Somerset (CDS), which is responsible for the rollout of superfast broadband in the two counties, has come under fire for not acting fast enough to improve speeds in the area. To combat the issue, the scheme's leaders called on broadband providers to come together and discuss possible resolutions.

A tendering process is to begin in 2016 and the meeting, which took place on Friday (4 December), also provided an opportunity for any suppliers that are interested in taking part to learn more about the planned rollout, the Western Morning News reported.

According to CDS, the meeting featured a "wide range" of different suppliers, offering a variety of different broadband technologies.

Bridgewater and West Somerset MP Ian Liddell-Grainger, has said that the meeting is not enough, instead claiming that it is "nothing more than a smokescreen" for the fact that it has hitherto proved unable to secure a deal that will see superfast broadband rolled out across the two counties.

He explained: "The fact is that it has been a shambles from start to finish and despite it talking airily of ‘engaging with the market’ at this event the whole thing is another symptom of the mess CDS has created."

Figures show that Devon and Somerset are currently lagging behind the rest of the UK when it comes to broadband speeds and will miss the nationwide target of having 95 per cent superfast broadband coverage.

Parish councillor Graham Long, who heads regional action group B4RDS, echoed Mr Liddell-Grainger's sentiments, stating that he lacked confidence that this CDS meeting would deliver any meaningful results.

He commented: "In June it was said that another invitation to tender would be released in November. November has come and gone and we are now being told that the invitation will be released in February with supplier contracts signed in June 2016. This will only leave the chosen suppliers with 18 months to deliver."

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(Image: Kainet)

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