Payment platform scales to 300 per cent growth with AWS

SecurionPay operates an online credit card platform which processes 1 out of every 1,500 global transactions for Visa and Mastercard. Due to the risk posed by fraud, failed payments and chargebacks, SecurionPay has a security-first approach, with maintaining the best possible data security for its large, rapidly increasing volume of transactions at the core of its business.

In order to build a platform that was secure and could handle millions of concurrent payments, SecurionPay turned to Amazon Web Services. With AWS, the company has developed a secure, flexible architecture with growth and innovation at its heart.

The platform relies on between 60 to 70 AWS services and, according to CEO and co-founder Lucas Jankowiak, this means the company can scale to meet demand and has become profitable within 6 months of launching.

The company offers flexible payment services such as upsales, one-click upgrades, cancellations and offers, all with secure authentication. AWS has enabled the firm’s checkout process to be 2-4 minutes faster than previously, as customers no longer redirect payments via third-party websites, which reduces the forms that must be filled out. This has helped increase customer sales conversion by 19 per cent on average and overall sales by an average of 22 per cent.

To maintain its high customer experience standards during this period of rapid growth, SecurionPay drew on real-time insights. Amazon Redshift was used for secure, easy cloud data warehousing, while cloud-based BI tool Amazon QuickSight was used to create dashboards.

This meant that, within three months of migrating, employees across SecurionPay were making decisions using data-driven insights. Dashboards have also driven time-efficiencies, with reports that previously may have taken hours now being almost instantaneous. This time saving has also delivered cost decreases, with costs down 90 per cent since the business started using tools such as AWS Lambda and Amazon Kinesis.

The company has also developed an alerting system using Amazon QuickSight, which spots any instance of abnormal behaviour and immediately notifies customers. The firm has also used AWS Key Management Service to create cryptographic keys, saving time for its IT team to perform other tasks.

Finally, with AWS DevOps tools, the company has set up a continuous integration/continuous delivery system delivering daily product updates. The platform is designed for 99.995 per cent reliability, allowing the team to test and build new services and address bespoke requirements.

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